Classmate Biography
Rio Linda Senior High School - Rio Linda, CA - Class of 1971
Shirley Dyer Breckenridge
Originally written July 4, 2001
Last updated July 3, 2001
|  1971 |
I'm self-employed. I started cleaning houses in '86 so I could help my
mother with ill relatives. And because she has been so involved with
the community and has never driven. After a few years on my own, I took
on a partner, Diane Glover, who is married to Richard Glover, a '73
grad of R.L. We're totally booked up and have a waiting list.
My main hobby is shooting black poweder guns. My husband and I compete
against oher shooters at "Rendezvous" in California and Nevada.
Although I've never shot a modern gun, I seem to have a "knack" for it
and I've brought home quite a few First Place ribbons and awards.
also belong to the Rio Linda Grange and the Rio Linda Elverta
Historical Society.
I've gotten a bit involved with politics here and there and have met
Presidents, Senators, assemblypersons, etc.
Family Life
Married Gary Johnson in Feb.1970. Daughter, Elizabeth Jean, Sept. 2,
1972, in Arizona. Spent a year in Okinawa, Japan, as an Air Force wife.
Went to Grand Forks, North Dakota, in 1975. Gave birth to son, Kenneth
Michael. Final base stationed at was Beale AFB out of Marysville.
Divorced Gary 1983. Moved back to Elverta, next to Mom's home.
Decided to try it again and married Kevin Breckenridge in 1986. We're
still together.
My daughter, Elizabeth (also a R.L. graduate) works
for American West Airlines and lives in Portland, Oregon. My son,
Kenneth, is a plumber in Las vegas, Nevada.
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